
Stonehaven’s Conservation Area

We want to know your thoughts on Stonehaven’s conservation area!

We want to hear from you!

As part of the Stonehaven – Past, Present, Future project, Planning Aid Scotland will be running a series of engagement events to talk to local people about the area. The next event will be from 2pm to 7pm on Thursday 20 March at the Town Hall.

The event is open to all. We invite you to come along and share your memories of Stonehaven, your likes and dislikes about the town, what you would like to see for the town’s future, and your thoughts about the conservation area boundary. Come along and have your voice heard!

Thank you to everyone who has engaged with us so far, and to those who came to speak with us at Stonehaven Farmer’s Market on 1 February. We will also be running a workshop at Mackie Academy in the coming weeks to gather the views of young people.


Local authorities have a statutory (legal) duty to review existing conservation areas and settlements that have been identified as potential conservation areas. As part of its review of Stonehaven’s conservation area, Aberdeenshire Council have asked Planning Aid Scotland to capture the views of the local community.

Aberdeenshire Council propose to review the existing conservation area boundary and suggest two options:

a) One conservation area – Stonehaven Old Town, or

b) Split the existing area into two conservation areas – Stonehaven Old Town and Stonehaven New Town

What is a conservation area?

Conservation areas are defined as areas of special architectural or historic interest. The council designates these areas to ensure their character or appearance is preserved and enhanced for current and future generations.

Have your voice heard

We will be running a series of engagement events to capture the views of the community on the town’s conservation area. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Bluesky or visit this webpage for updates.

Stonehaven – Past, Present, Future