Who We Are › Our Values

Our Values: walking the walk, not just talking the talk…

Our core values don’t just exist in our strategy document or sit on a shelf, we actively work to demonstrate them in all that we do.

Our vision is one of an inclusive society where individuals and communities are at the heart of decision-making about their places.

Our mission is to help people navigate the planning system and shape the future of their places.

Through our staff team, board and network of volunteers, we seek to bring our values to life in all that we do.

  • We act with integrity: We deliver our work with honesty, trust and integrity
  • We are inclusive: We seek to reflect continually on our practice to provide opportunities which open placemaking to all
  • We are impartial: We enable people to engage proactively in the planning system and placemaking, but do not express opinions on individual plans or proposals
  • We are collaborative: We establish cohesive and inclusive partnerships that make the most of everyone’s knowledge and experience
  • We promote participation: As an educational organisation, we facilitate people to be involved in shaping the future of their places, and celebrate volunteering, learning and active citizenship

Find out more about our current vision and strategy

Planning Aid Scotland Strategic Summary Infographic