News  |  Posted January 23, 2025

New year, new faces!

Planning Aid Scotland welcomes new team members.

Meet our new colleagues who bring a wide range of expertise to our board of directors and staff.

Pamela Clifford

Pamela represents RTPI Scotland on our board. She is currently Chief Planning Officer at East Ayrshire Council and has previously worked for West Dunbartonshire Council. Pamela is Chair of Heads of Planning Scotland (HOPS) and a past convener of Scottish RTPI (2024). She is passionate about creating high quality places and buildings.

Aaron Doidge

A Chartered Urban Planner by trade, Aaron is a Senior Consultant at Stantec specialising in urban development, regeneration, project delivery and engagement. Having worked on a range of plans and transformational development projects across the UK, Aaron brings a unique private sector perspective to Planning Aid Scotland and has also previously served on the executive committee of RTPI Scotland.

Annie Tordoff

Annie was previously Scotland Director at Parkinson’s UK and has served for five years as secretary of Morvern Community Council where she worked with Planning Aid Scotland on coordinating the ‘Live Life Morvern’ sustainable community action plan. Annie brings considerable experience from the third sector and the field of health. She is passionate about community empowerment in the planning process.

Ruth Wolstenholme

Ruth has over 30 years’ experience in sustainability and climate change. Having been at the helm since the inception of sustainability charity Sniffer in 1994 (now Verture), she stepped down as Managing Director in November 2024. As well as building on a science and policy evidence base, Ruth is an advocate of local knowledge, climate justice and the role of creative practice in making places and communities that can flourish in a changing climate. She is a passionate enthusiast for collaborative working, with a keen ear for a good idea.

Robbie Young (Treasurer)

Robbie is the Construction Group Financial Controller at Robertson Group. He has experience spanning the insurance industry and the third sector, and a comprehensive audit training foundation. Robbie is a member of the ICAS Charities Panel, which helps oversee accounting and financial management practices within the charitable sector. He is known for leveraging astute financial acumen to streamline processes, optimise resources, and deliver impactful results.

Planning Aid Scotland’s Chair, Jill Paterson, welcomes these new appointees:

“It is an exciting time to be with Planning Aid Scotland. I was delighted to take on the role of Chair in November, taking over from John Bury. I would like to thank John for all his hard work and dedication.”

“I look forward to working with our new board directors. Together we not only build on our expertise in the planning sector, but also gain perspectives from the private and third sector and across many fields such as the environment, finance, health and community development.”

“I am excited to see what 2025 brings for our organisation.”

Last year we had a few new staff members join our team including Diane (Project and Training Officer), Jo (Volunteer Coordinator) and Marina (Communications and Marketing Officer). We also congratulated David McAllister who started a new role as our Director of Operations, having been with Planning Aid Scotland as Communications Manager for 13 years. Our newest addition is Anne who will be joining us as Planning and Projects Officer.

Anne Krippler

Anne is currently a Planner at Glasgow City Council, having previously worked for East Lothian Council. She has been a volunteer with Planning Aid Scotland for nearly 10 years and has undertaken our Mentoring Programme. Anne is passionate about planning, housing and the environment. In her free time Anne dances a lot and plays kayak polo along the Edinburgh Canal!

Chief Executive, Johanna Boyd reflects on these recent changes:

“I am excited to welcome some new faces to the Planning Aid Scotland community and some familiar faces who have worked with us on projects in the past. These new additions bring a breadth of knowledge to support our work and help us develop as an organisation.”

“I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest staff member, Anne Krippler, who joins us as Planning and Projects Officer. As a Planning Aid Scotland volunteer for nearly 10 years, Anne will be a familiar and welcome addition to the team.”

“2024 was a year of change for Planning Aid Scotland – our 30th year – we reflected on how far we have come and made ambitious plans for the future.”

“2025 is set to be a year of renewal. Together with our new staff and board members, we will embark on refreshing our Strategy and progressing some exciting new projects and training.”

If you would like to join us on this journey, please get in touch about our volunteering opportunities.

Planning Aid Scotland welcomes new team members text over an image of an Edinburgh skyline.